
Safety | Advice | Procurement | Co-ordination

We find we can add the most value to production if Marine Team are engaged early on, just to offer advice and work with locations, costume (especially if the scene involves diving), SFX, and construction. We also own a lot of equipment, which could help to save money from production purchasing.


We provide the vessels and the equipment to facilitate safe and efficient filming on the water. The vessels and equipment are operated and overseen by Marine Team experts, controlled and directed by a Marine Co-ordinator. The Marine Co-ordinator takes the Director’s vision for the shot and brings it to life on the water. The Marine Supervisor looks after the safety and works with the safety team to ensure everything being conducted on the water can be achieved with minimum risk to people, kit and equipment.

Cast and Crew Training

Training is at the heart of our business; our team undergo regular training sessions and they are trained in how to deliver training themselves. Sometimes it’s as simple as teaching production crew to correctly wear lifejackets and board vessels safely; sometimes we train cast in advanced breath hold techniques and how to use SCUBA equipment. Regardless of the complexity, we focus on delivering an accessible and enjoyable experience.

Advisory Services

Marine Team have over 100 years of collective experience in the maritime sector; from offshore commercial diving to superyachts, we have experience in most maritime disciplines and can offer consultancy services during pre-production and on set.

Procurement and Locations

We can assist locations teams with finding suitable areas, adding our understanding of the maritime environment to ensure the conditions and access are optimal for filming. Additionally, we have an excellent network of maritime industry professionals and can source the perfect vessels for purchase or charter.


Underwater filming can be challenging; communication can be difficult, specialised camera operators are required and it often involves cast in and under the water. Marine Team combine a Marine Co-ordinator with a Diving Supervisor and Safety Divers to ensure everyone in the water is monitored and supported at all times. Using our fully qualified HSE dive team and contemporary equipment, we make underwater filming happen; both in an underwater studio, and on location.

Equipment supply

We can supply your production everything needed to work in the marine environment:

  • Boats

  • Hero/ picture boats

  • Waders

  • Dry suits

  • Life jackets

  • Buoyancy aids

  • Scuba equipment

  • Diver propulsion vehicles (DPV)

  • Full face marks

  • Floating pontoon

  • Diving compressor (Cylinder fills)

Book a Meeting

A quick chat about what you want to achieve costs nothing. It might however save you a lot of time and effort to make that call early.